if you want some old publications including some of those mentioned have a look at your pm.
still wondering
JoinedPosts by still wondering
Please reccommend older Watchtower publciations for stumbling purposes
by TheStumbler infirst time poster here but i've been lurking a while.. i have a question that i was hoping some of the watchtower historians might be able to answer.
if a witness was willing to read some of the organisation's older publications, what books would you get them to read and how do i get these books?.
my family are witnesses and my father is an elder.
Another blood ban victim (2 months old baby)
by behemot inbaby dies after parents refuse blood transfusiondecember 13, 2010a 2-month-old baby born with heart defects died recently after her parents, members of jehovahs witness, refused to allow surgery because of their faith prohibiting blood transfusions, hospital officials said yesterday.
the baby, identified by her surname lee, was born in august with a congenital heart disease.
doctors at the seoul asan hospital, where she was first admitted, concluded that she needed surgery, but her parents refused to give permission, according to the officials.
still wondering
"In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."
Awake! - May 22, 1994, p.2Yes, the sacrifice of human life, human sacrifices, to please God by as is stated “putting God first”.
Why? Because we are told that’s what He requires and is pleased by such sacrifices, just like the Canaanite gods.
Such are the consequences of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower gods and their idols. Their primary idol, the bunch of desperadoes who call themselves the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.
KS Blood-Handout s-55-e (PDF)!!!
by yknot inwe interrupt your forum posting for this 'just in' item...... it appears an elder has not locked his doctor's bag and a member of the conscious class has brazeningly swiped & scanned a copy of the s-55e.
(((thank you anonymous cc jw!.
for the purpose of our bethel audience i want to assure you no actual elder was willingly involved in the obtaining of this scan.. link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mnf7a0.
still wondering
For the bunch of psychopathic desperadoes, a collective “Mad Hatter”class, who rule in JWland known as “The spiritual paradise” they are indeed living in a veritable paradise. A paradise where they have the ability to empower themselves to perform miracles. The most notable being the miracle of always being right even when completely wrong. So it’s no surprise that they have also given themselves the powers of life and death.
They thus have the powers needed to hand down death sentences or reprieves how ever the fancy takes them. It’s pointless having a power and not exercising it especially when it can be used to strengthen their power base and extend THEIR paradise.
So these past decades the “ fateful and disgusting serpent Mad Hatter” class have used these powers to the hilt and by their own admission left thousands dead in their wake and tens of thousands more grieving.
"In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."
Awake! - May 22, 1994, p.2Yes, the sacrifice of human life, human sacrifices, to please their god by as is stated “putting God first”.
Why such human sacrifices? Because we are told that’s what their god requires and he is pleased by such sacrifices, just like the Canaanite gods were.
Such are the dire consequences of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower gods and their idols. Their primary idol, the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.
The watchtower eats humble pie in trying to locate and reinstate all those wrongly disfellowshiped?
by still wondering inwhat happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the wts said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to gehenna?.
blood serums are just one example.
in 1954 the societys ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to god.
still wondering
For the bunch of psychopathic desperadoes, a collective “Mad Hatter”class, who rule in JWland known as “The spiritual paradise” they are indeed living in a veritable paradise. A paradise where they have the ability to empower themselves to perform miracles. The most notable being the miracle of always being right even when completely wrong. So it’s no surprise that they have also given themselves the powers of life and death.
They thus have the powers needed to hand down death sentences or reprieves how ever the fancy takes them. It’s pointless having a power and not exercising it especially when it can be used to strengthen their power base and extend THEIR paradise.
So these past decades the “ fateful and disgusting serpent Mad Hatter” class have used these powers to the hilt and by their own admission left thousands dead in their wake and tens of thousands more grieving.
"In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."
Awake! - May 22, 1994, p.2Yes, the sacrifice of human life, human sacrifices, to please their god by as is stated “putting God first”.
Why such human sacrifices? Because we are told that’s what their god requires and he is pleased by such sacrifices, just like the Canaanite gods were.
Such are the dire consequences of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower gods and their idols. Their primary idol, the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.
The watchtower eats humble pie in trying to locate and reinstate all those wrongly disfellowshiped?
by still wondering inwhat happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the wts said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to gehenna?.
blood serums are just one example.
in 1954 the societys ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to god.
still wondering
“ Besides, it wasn't the sin but the person's ATTITUDE that caused them to be DF'd”
If that is so then what attitude does one have to display to avoid being DF.
“Yes I know what I did was wrong and I’m very sorry that I’m now alive. In hindsight I wish a had refused the treatment and died, left a widow, my small children fatherless and my parents grieving for having lost their only offspring. Yes, I see I’ve committed a wicked act by preserving my life and showing what I thought was respect for life but I now realize I had it all wrong and have displeased Jehovah so much that I deserve to go to Gehenna when I die. Please believe me when I say I’m really very, very, very sorry for still being alive and will not do it again if the situation arose.”
“Well that’s OK then, we will not DF you as you are clearly repentant”
Yes, that is what jw’s SAY, but no, that is simply a lie. A person is DF’d for what they DID.
The watchtower eats humble pie in trying to locate and reinstate all those wrongly disfellowshiped?
by still wondering inwhat happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the wts said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to gehenna?.
blood serums are just one example.
in 1954 the societys ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to god.
still wondering
TD thanks, really useful information.
The watchtower eats humble pie in trying to locate and reinstate all those wrongly disfellowshiped?
by still wondering inwhat happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the wts said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to gehenna?.
blood serums are just one example.
in 1954 the societys ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to god.
still wondering
Yes, and for many decades.
You are quite right, that would be the jw answer but as we all know they have an answer for everything, usually quite infantile. Unfortunately it is NEVER the right one.
Anyone not suffering from the psychopathic symptoms that the jws’ display would find this “explanation” as preposterous as a flat earther EXPLAINING his belief.
The watchtower eats humble pie in trying to locate and reinstate all those wrongly disfellowshiped?
by still wondering inwhat happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the wts said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to gehenna?.
blood serums are just one example.
in 1954 the societys ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to god.
still wondering
What happens when the rules regarding medical treatment are changed because it is now decided that the watchtower god does allows certain blood fractions after all but which formerly the WTS said would offend him so much that offenders would be sent to Gehenna?
Blood serums are just one example. In 1954 the Society’s ruling on blood serums disallowed their use because using blood serums was displeasing to God. Some individuals will now die under the new ruling that formerly would have lived.
Four years later in 1958 this ruling was reversed thus allowing some individuals who would have died under the previous changed ruling to now live. It was now decided that using blood serums was not displeasing to God after all hence the change from disallowed to allow.
This single change presents two immediate problems. Firstly, who is responsible for the deaths, and the consequences of those deaths on their families, of those who, because they were told that using blood serums was displeasing to God, followed the Society’s rules and lost their lives for no reason other than they were mislead about what God requires?
Secondly, what now happens to those individuals who followed their own conscience and decided to use blood serums to save their life and were subsequently disfellowshiped? Under the new rule saying that God does allow blood serum usage and that it never had been offensive to Him they had been disfellowshiped not for doing what was wrong but rather for doing what was right, for showing respect for life. Disfellowshipping is supposed to keep the congregation clean by expelling wrongdoers not expelling those who are practicing righteousness, those who are showing the utmost respect for life.
So just what does happen to those ones who had been wrongly disfellowshiped under the previous incorrect rule and even those who had been wrongly disfellowshiped in the intervening weeks from when the Watchtower Society first internally decided to change the rule and the actual arrival of the issue of the Watchtower or letter publically announcing the NEW rule in the kingdom hall?
Would the Society make a concerted effort to immediately contact those ones explaining that they had been wrongly disfellowshiped and will be immediately re-instated and will not after all suffer eternal death in Gehenna when they die and needless separation from baptized members of their family now? Even if the Society did do this (which they don’t) could they be sure of finding every single individual who had been wrongly disfellowshiped? Some may have moved away and left forever thinking that they were condemned to Gehenna when they die.
If all this sounds like a messy situation think of what happened five years later (1963) when the ruling allowing blood serums was overturned yet again and completely reversed. Why? Because the Society said once again that using blood serums was displeasing to God. If you were ill and needed blood serum and were able to squeeze it in the day before the ruling changed you may have lived but if you fell ill a day after the ruling changed you may die. Yes, the decision whether to sacrifice one’s life in an attempt to please God entirely depends on whether a person fell ill and needed such treatment on the Saturday before the Sunday Watchtower meeting (when the change was announced) or on the Monday after. Is this treating life as sacred and showing respect to our Creator?
For more info
The idolatry of the JWs rivals that of the Canaanites
by still wondering in"in former times thousands of youths died for putting god first.
they are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue.
still wondering
"In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue."
Awake! - May 22, 1994, p.2Yes, the sacrifice of human life, human sacrifices, to please God by as is stated “putting God first”.
Why? Because we are told that’s what He requires and is pleased by such sacrifices, just like the Canaanite gods.
As TD states a child born with neonatal immunological deficiency syndrome can have a sniffle in the morning, a raging fever by noon, and be hospitalized with double pneumonia by evening.
Without weekly injections of gamma globulin, this condition can easily end with a lonely little headstone on the rolling green hills of a cemetery.
Such are the consequences of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower gods and their idols. Their primary idol, the bunch of desperadoes who call themselves the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.
For more info on such rampant idolatry
The WTS and blood transfusions. Part 2. Please criticise!!
by still wondering inthe following is a continuation of a letter written to my sister who needed surgery.
i hoped this would be an opportune time to raise the error of misinterpreting the handful of verses that they use to justify wanton suicide.
if you can think of any arguments that may be presented in an effort to rebuff the points made then please comment.
still wondering
Yes, there is nothing like a practical illustration to drive the point home.
The example you describe perfectly depicts the sadness of worshipping, thence sacrificing to, the watchtower society idols. Their primary idol, the bunch of desperadoes who call themselves the “governing body”, in an effort to subserviate its followers erects subsidiary idols to pay homage and sacrifices to such as blood.